Addressing health inequalities

Addressing health inequalities

There are stark differences in health outcomes across the UK driven by complex and multi level dynamics. Understanding these is key as a leader to being able to understand the work of the people around you and working toward contributing toward health equality for local communities.

This paper explores three big questions health and care leaders should be asking themselves and their teams about inequalities in their elective backlog

Explores different themes in detail, shining a spotlight on case studies from councils across the country and exploring how COVID-19 exacerbated existing health inequalities

Designed to provide support and assistance to the NHS, and beyond, in promoting equality and tackling health inequalities for all patients, communities and the NHS workforce. It brings together equality and health inequalities resources and provides useful links and information for the sharing of good practice.

Race and Health Observatory commissioned study looking at the correlations between backlogs in elective care and ethnicity. 

This report contains case studies from the private, public and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sectors and local communities demonstrating that when they work together, it is possible to create more equitable and healthy societies.

Data, insights and analysis exploring how the circumstances in which we live shape population health

Core20 The most deprived 20% of the national population as identified by the national Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).
PLUS population groups should be identified at a local level, ethnic minority communities, people with a learning disability and autistic people; people with multiple long-term health conditions and other and finally 5 – five clinical areas of focus which require accelerated improvement.

The dashboard measures, monitors, and informs actionable insight to make improvements to narrow health inequalities. It covers the five priority areas for narrowing health inequalities in the 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance. It also covers data relating to the five clinical areas in our Core20PLUS5 approach.

The Complete Care Community Programme (CCCP), delivered by Healthworks with NHS Arden & GEM, supports Primary Care Networks across England to identify and narrow health inequalities in their local area. Healthworks, work with health and care systems to improve efficacy and efficiency for the benefit of populations and patients